EMWI African Orphanage Ministry

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Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake Sr has often stated, Blacks in America should be about Africa as Jews in America are about Jerusalem. In 2006, Bishop Lawrence M Wooten Sr., who is the 2nd Assistant presiding Bishop , along with his wife, International Evangelist Lady Shirley Wooten, started an orphanage in Uganda 🇺🇬 East Africa. Thus, the EMWI Ugandan 🇺🇬 East African Orphanage Ministry was birthed.

Uganda Ministry Logo
Not only do the Wootens serve and service the St. Louis Community, they are yet operating in  Uganda 🇺🇬, East Africa. They loved the children so much, they adopted 2  sickly babies who have developed into beautiful, smart, young ladies.
Not only do they take care of the children, there are countless adults who they support, providing food, clothing, often medicine and hospitalization. Also, many villages receive support from the Wootens. 
They’ve also donated thousands of dollars towards the education of orphans in Uganda. 
We may never truly know our roots, but we all can help those who can’t help themselves. 
We have so many resources in the United States of America. Often, we are the only resource they have. 
There is much more help and work still needed. 

Many of the orphans Bishop & Lady Wooten sponsored are in high school or have graduated. They want to attend college now.

They have adopted a village in Kisoga in West Uganda, Africa. There are approximately 300 people in the village,  women, men, children and senior citizens. They have provided beds, repaired huts, provided for crops and food, and is currently digging a well for clean water. 

We salute you Bishop and Lady Wooten. You are Black History and are helping to make a positive impact. Changing lives who may have otherwise had no hope.
God bless you both.